Hello, my name is

Andrew Midthun.

I'm a full stack developer.



Hover the burger image to display the full-stack skills.


Brewery API

Brewery API

The current weather conditions will also be displayed for the search location to help guide users if the weather conditions are favorable to go sit at a patio for a pint, or if they feel like checking out a micro brewery instead

  • HTML
  • Bulma
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Third Party APIs

BootCamp Forum

A place for current, former, and future bootcamp students. Post questions and comments. Give interview advice. Announce job offers. Stay connected with your fellow bootcamp survivors.

Note: This project is on heroku's server so there might be a wait for the application to load.

  • Handlebars
  • Bootstrap
  • Node JS
  • JQuery
  • MySQL
Brewery API

Note Taker

This project is a Express js based application that involves different packages like utils, and file system. Users will be able to write new notes and the notes will be saved in a db.json file. Once a note is made, the note gets an id associated with it so you can click on your saved notes on the left and see what kind of texts you have in the note.

  • Node JS
  • Express
  • RESTful APIs

Password Generator

Hard to create a new secure password. This application is a front end application that generates a password through a couple of questions for you the user in what you want your password to include.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Bootstap

About Me

I am a aspiring software developer. I have experience as a IT support specialist so I have a jack of all trades. I am passionate about being a problem solver and what technology can do for our future. I have always enjoyed coding in my experience as I love the challenging aspects it can bring.

coder icon

©2022 Andrew Midthun